Timeline, Playback Control and Output Setup

Playback control is used to start, pause and stop Output Window rendering. The Time Slider and Time Navigator Slider can be used to navigate the project time. If the project contains Animation, Keyframes are displayed in the Timeline.

The time boxes on the right, display Project current- and total time, the time format is Minutes:Seconds.Frames. 
Total project time can be set by custom input, input in seconds is automatically converted to the correct time format.

Playback starts by default with one Output Window, Custom Output Setup as well as resizing and identification can be access via the [Output] menu.

Timeline Window

In Timeline Window, Each selected Map, Layer Audio, and selected DMX Channels is  displayed as a Track. Keyframes can be easily added and modified via drag and drop inside the Timeline Window. The Timeline Window is accessed via Menu [Timeline > Show Timeline]


Timeline Menu Timeline Menu functions operate on Project
Undo Map and Media Playback History Undo - number of steps can be set in program settings.
Redo History Redo.
History Turn History On/Off - Turn History off to maximize performance.
Zoom In Timeline Slider Zoom In - Displays zoomed time, total time can be scrolled with Timeline Navigator.
Zoom Out Timeline Slider Zoom Out.
Zoom 100% Timeline Slider Zoom 100%.
Load Time From Selected Media Sets the Project Duration equal to length of selected Media (Audio/Video).
Set Marker Timeline Marker, Project time loops between Marker start - and end-time.

To set Marker, click this menu then set start- and end-time by clicking on Timeline Slider, Timeline Navigator or Timeline Window.

Remove Marker Removes Timeline Marker.
Set Framerate (FPS) Sets the Project Framerate to the desired value. Needed for correct Video synchronisation in Timeline Navigation.
Videos matching the Timeline Framerate should be used.
Show Timeline Shows the Timeline Window, where Maps, Media, Audio and DMX Channels are displayed in a Track View.


View Menu View Menu Functions operate on User interface
Media Show Media Panel in all Layers
Mapping Show Mapping Panel in all Layers
Effects Show Effect Panel in all Layers
Selection Groups Show Selection Group Panel in all Layers
Presets Show Preset Panel on all Layers
Color & Alpha Show Color & Alpha Panel in all Layers
LFO Show LFO Panel in all Layers
DMX Show DMX Panel in all Layers
Cross Hair  
On Texture Coordinates Toggle Cross hair display in Texture Coordinates 
On Output Toggle Cross Hair display in  Output Window
Hide Hide Cross Hair from Texture Coordinates and Output Window
Mapping Grid  
On Texture Coordinates Display Mapping Grid on Texture Coordinates On/Off
On Output Display Mapping Grind in Output On/Off
Detach User Interface User Interface Display Panels can be detached and arranged in separate Windows. Menu function operates on Selected Layer
Media Open  Media Panel in separate Window
Mapping Open  Mapping Panel in separate Window
Effects Open  Effect Panel in separate Window
Selection Groups Open  Selection Group Panel in separate Window
Presets Open  Preset Panel in separate Window
Color & Alpha Open  Color & Alpha Panel in separate Window
LFO Open  LFO Panel in separate Window
DMX Open  DMX Panel in separate Window
Texture Coordinates Open Texture Coordinates in separate Window



Playback Menu Playback Menu functions operate on Project Time
Start Starts playback, same function as Start Button.
Pause Pauses playback, same function as Pause Button.
Goto Start Positions Time to Project Start time or Marker Start Time, if set.
Goto End Positions Time to Project End time or Maker End Time, if set.
Stop Stop playback.
Faster Faster Project playback.
Slower Slower Project playback.
Normal Speed Normal Project playback.


Output Menu Output Menu functions operate on Project
Setup... Opens Output Setup Window, where number of Output Windows, their Resolution and Panorama setup (if any) is configured.
Fade... Opens Master Output Fade Window - Output Windows can be faded to black individually or altogether.
Identify Identifies the Output Window (Renders the Index on Screen).
Set Position and Size Enables Output Window Position and Size via Drag and Drop.
Output Windows can be positioned and sized to any Video Output Device connected to the computer.

Click and hold down mouse button on the Output Window, then move mouse while holding left button.

Click and hold down right mouse button on the Output window, then move mouse while holding right  button.

Scale Maps to Output Scale the Maps with the Output Window Size - on/off
Full Screen Sizes Output Window to Video Output Device Size on which it is displayed.
Keyboard shortcut = F11.
Always on Top Output Window always on Top - use F12 to switch on/off.
Goto Output Position Mouse Pointer To Output - Use Keyboard shortcut CTRL + TAB to cycle outputs.
