
The Selection Panel is used to store Map Selection Groups, that means the actual state of selected and unselected Maps.

Stored Selection Groups can be activated on demand, to quickly change Media playback on Maps.


Selection User Interface


Using Selection Groups

To add a Selection Group, select the Map(s) in Map Panel or in Output Window, then double-click the Selection Panel or use the menu [Selection > Create Group] or press [G] on Output Window. 
You may give your Selection Group a name to identify it.

To activate a Selection Group, click the play button right of the Selection Group name, then double click media in Media Panel to start playback.

To remove a Selection Group, click the play button right of the Selection Group name, then on the menu [Selection > Remove Group].

To reset Selection Groups in a Layer, click the menu [Selection > Reset Group].


Selection Menu Select Map, Map Points, Lock and change Map Visibility
Select All (Global)Select All Maps in Project.

Keyboard Shortcut [A]

Select All (Active Media Layer)Select All Maps in Active Media Layer.
Select Bounding PointsSelect Outer Border Points of Map.
After selection, Alpha (Transparency) for Soft-Edge Map can be set.
Select Soft EdgeSelect the Soft Edge(s) of the selected Map(s).

Keyboard Shortcut [S]

Invert SelectionInverts the current selection of Map and Points.

Keyboard Shortcut [I]

Deselect AllDeselects all Maps.

Keyboard Shortcut [ESC]

LockLocks selected Map - move, rotate, scale can no longer performed - Map is locked for changes
UnlockUnlocks select Map - re-enabled move, rotate, scale, Map accepts changes.
ShowShow selected Maps (Visibility = On).
HideHide selected Maps (Visibility = Off).
Create GroupCreates a Map Selection Group in Active Layer.
Enables quick Media playback on multiple Maps.
Remove GroupRemoves Selection Group.
Reset GroupRemoves all Selection Groups in Active Layer.