Shortcut and Command List
Mapstard application can be started with a Project- or Playlist filename  as Command Line Parameter - using the 

-p switch playback is started

-pm switch starts playback with minimized user interface.

-ph switch starts playback with no user interface.

Closing the application when no UI is visible

Activate Output Window by clicking on it, then press [CTRL]+[ALT]+[Q]


mapstard(.exe) -p ProjectFile.mapstard - start playback of Project

mapstard(.exe) -p PlayListFile.mapstard_PL - start playback of Playlist - first Playlist Item is loaded.

mapstard(.exe) -pm ProjectFile.mapstard - start playback of Project with minimized user interface

mapstard(.exe) -pm PlayListFile.mapstard_PL - start playback of Playlist with minimized user interface - first Playlist Item is loaded.

mapstard(.exe) -ph ProjectFile.mapstard - start playback of Project with no user interface

mapstard(.exe) -ph PlayListFile.mapstard_PL - start playback of Playlist with no user interface - first Playlist Item is loaded.


Output WindowMapping
Output Window Handling Shortcut Map Editing and Selection Shortcut
Move Output Window Hold [Space Bar] and [Left Mouse Button] while dragging on window Toggle Texture Coordinates/ Output Coordinates [F2]
Size Output Window Hold [Space Bar] and [Right Mouse Button] while dragging on window Map Edit Mode On [F8]
Full Screen Output Window [CTRL] + [F] Or [F11] Map Edit Mode Off [F9]
Output Window always on Top [F12] Select Maps 1 to 10

Select Soft Edge of Map 1 to 10

[CTRL] + [1]-[9],[0]

[ALT] + [1]-[9],[0]

Move Mouse Pointer from Main Window To Output Window [CTRL] + [TAB] Select All Maps/ Map Points [CTRL] + [A]
Cycle trough Output Windows, and center Mouse Pointer [TAB] Invert Map/Map Point Selection [CTRL] + [I]
Select all Points of Map [ENTER]
Deselect All Maps/ Map Points [ESC]
Create Selection Group [CTRL] + [G]
Select Next Map Point [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [ARROW KEYS]
Select Soft Edge of Map [S]
Toggle between Map Selection and Soft Edge Selection [F5]
Hide Selected Maps/Soft Edge [F6]
Show Selected Maps/Soft Edge [F7]
Create Copies Selected Maps [CTRL] + [C]
Map Position and Orientation Shortcut Map Drawing Shortcut
Move [ARROW KEYS], hold [CTRL] for bigger steps Start Drawing a  new Map [N]
Rotate [ALT]+[+]/[-], hold [CTRL] for bigger steps Draw Map Point [CLICK] or 
Scale [+]/[-] , hold [CTRL] for bigger steps Draw new Map Line [RIGHT CLICK] or 
Lock Move and Scale to X or Y direction [X] or [Y] Stop Drawing [ESC]
Apply Transformation to all Animation Keyframes Hold [T]


Merge selected Map Points [M]
Keystone Transform Hold [SHIFT] key and move a  corner point Detach Selected Map Points  [CTRL] + [D]
Uniform Scale Hold [ALT] key and move a corner point Linear Movement Lock [P] + Move Mouse
Flip Map/Texture Points Horizontally/ Vertically [H] or [V] respectively Radial Transform X/Y [R] + [X] + Move selected Map Point in X

[R] + [Y] + Move selected Map Point in Y

Detail Increase/ Decrease [1]/ [2] Lock X or Y movement [X] or [Y] hold while scaling or moving Map/Map Points
Full Screen Map [F] Copy Map [C]
Animation and Timing Shortcut Delete Map [DEL] or [BACKSPACE]
Add Keyframe [CTRL]  + [K] Undo [CTRL] + [Z]
Time Step Backward [J] Redo [CTRL] + [SHIFT]+ [Z]
Playback Pause [K]
Time Step Forward [L]
Save Project [S]




Time Slider  and Time  Navigator



Time Functions Shortcut
Move Time [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] key -move 1 frame - [CTRL] move 10 frames
Playback Pause [SPACE]
Undo [CTRL] + [Z]
Redo [CTRL] + [SHIFT]+ [Z]
Set Marker [M], then click on timeline to set desired Marker start and -end points.
Reset Marker [ESC]
Keyframe Handling Shortcut
Select Keyframe Single Keyframe [CLICK] on Keyframe, 
Multiple Keyframes [CTRL]+Click on Keyframes
Time Range: hold [ALT] + drag play head over desired Keyframes
Select all Keyframes [A]
Invert Keyframe Selection [I]
Deselect All Keyframes [ESC]
Move Selected Keyframe(s) in Time [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] key or drag with mouse

To move multiple Keyframes hold [CTRL]

Clone selected Keyframes [C]
Copy & Paste Keyframe [CTRL]+[C], [CTRL]+[V]
Usage: Sele Keyframe you want to copy, copy, then select Keyframe(s) you want to paste to
Next Keyframe [ALT] + [RIGHT ARROW] key
Previous Keyframe [ALT] + [LEFT ARROW] key




Timeline Window


Timeline Functions Shortcut
Refresh Timeline Window [F5]
Select Track [CLICK] on Track Header, to select multiple Tracks hold [CTRL] key
Mute Track (Hide Map, Stop DMX, Stop Audio) Right Click
Set Time [CLICK] or [DOUBLE CLICK], drag with mouse
Move Time [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] key - move 1 frame, hold [CTRL] move 10 frames
Move Time Step [J] Time + 1 second ,[L] Time - 1 second
Playback Pause [K] or [SPACE]
Undo (Mapping Only) [CTRL] + [Z]
Redo (Mapping Only) [CTRL] + [SHIFT]+ [Z]
Set Marker [M], then click on timeline to set desired Marker start and -end points.
Move Marker Left [+] Move Left 1 Frame - 40ms
[SHIFT] + [+] Move Left 10ms
[CTRL] + [+] Move Left Marker Time Frame
Move Marker Right [-] Move Right 1 Frame - 40ms
[SHIFT] + [-] Move Left 10ms
[CTRL] + [-] Move Left Marker Time Frame
Expand Marker Time (Time Zoom In) Marker must be set.

[ALT] + [+]  Zoom In 2 Frames - 80ms
[SHIFT] + [+] Zoom In 20ms
[ALT] +[CTRL] + [+] Zoom IN  Marker Time Frame (Zoom In 2x)
Contract Marker Time (Time Zoom Out) Marker must be set.

[ALT] + [-]  Zoom Out  2 Frames - 80ms
[SHIFT] + [-] Zoom Out 20ms
[ALT] +[CTRL] + [-] Zoom IN  Marker Time Frame (Zoom Out 1/2x)
Remove Marker [ENTER] or [RETURN]
Set Track Color Double Click on Header, Color Picker is displayed, pick the desired color. Maps only.
Media Handing Shortcut
Replace Media on Map Drag and drop from Layer Media Panel to Track
Add Media To Map in Timeline Hold [CTRL] while drag and drop from Media Panel to Track
Media Fade In/Out Select Keyframe then drag the Fade In and Fade Out Ramps by holding the [RIGHT Mouse Button]
Remove Media [CTRL]+[DEL] or [CTRL]+[BACKSPACE]
DMX Handing Shortcut
Add DMX Value [RIGHT CLICK] in DMX Track
Move DMX Value [UP ARROW] key or [DOWN ARROW] key or drag with mouse - note: not available for multiple selection.
Keyframe Handling Shortcut
Select Keyframe [CLICK] on Keyframe, to select multiple Keyframes hold [CTRL] key
Select all Keyframes [A]
Invert Keyframe Selection [I]
Select two adjacent Keyframes [DOUBLE CLICK]
Deselect All Keyframes [ESC]
Move Selected Keyframe(s) in Time [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] key or drag with mouse
Copy selected Keyframes [C]
Copy & Paste Keyframe [CTRL]+[C], [CTRL]+[V]
Usage: Sele Keyframe you want to copy, copy, then select Keyframe(s) you want to paste to
Delete selected KeyFrame(s) [DEL] or [BACKSPACE]
Next Keyframe [ALT] + [RIGHT ARROW] key
Previous Keyframe [ALT] + [LEFT ARROW] key