User defined Layers, Maps, Media, and all
other application settings, including Output Window setup are called a
Project in mapstard.
Projects can be saved to - and loaded from file, deployed to other
computers and grouped into Playlists for automated playback.
The Media, FreeFrameGL Effects and 3D Models
contained in a Project are not stored inside the Project file, they are
referenced via their own file location and file name.
File Menu |
New Project
Close the current Project and create a New
Project with default settings.
Open Project
Load existing Project from File.
Save Project
Save current Project to File.
Save Project as...
Save current Project to File with other
filename/ save location.
Open Playlist
Open existing Playlist.
Playlist Editor
Show Playlist Editor - Group Project Files
into Playlists and defined playback mode.
Export Project to Video...
Render Project to video file with
configurable Codec.
Export Project to Still Image Sequence...
Render Project to frame by frame to PNG
image file. Image sequence can be further processed with other
Take Screenshot...
Render current Output Window display to a
PNG image file.
Export Project Audio...
Export Audio from Project to WAV file.
Deploy Project
Collect Project file and all Media files,
FreeFrameGL effects and 3D Models used in the Project to a user defined
folder, that can be moved to another computer running mapstard.
Project Info
Show Project Information organized in a
comprehensive tree.
The Project Info Tree must be manually refreshed via [F5] in Project
Info Tree Window or by re-clicking this menu item.
Remote Control
Open Remote Control Window - OSC +
mapstard network interconnection.
Program Settings
Open Program Settings window. When Program
Settings are saved, the application is restarted.
Launch Again
Launch a new instance of mapstard. You can
run multiple instances of mapstard on the same computer.
Restart application.
Check for Updates...
Check if there is a new mapstard version
online. The update check is made automatically by default when the
application starts. Automatic update check may be turned off in Program
Exit application.